Staking Claim: Latinx Art and US American Experiences Wyeth Foundation for American Art Symposium
The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC
Session I: Latinx Art and Empire
A brilliant panel convened today at the National Gallery, moderated by Evelyn Carmen Ramos and featuring presentations by Terezita Romo, Taína Caragol and Kency Cornejo. I was incredibly moved by the power of the artworks referenced and by the minds and visions of the panelists. Taína focused on the themes of non-sovereignty, US militarism and the racialization of migrants and highlighted the importance of the years 1898 and 1904 to Latinx art history. Her presentation featured works by Antonio Martorell, Miguel Luciano, Juan Sanchez and my own series "The Street Becomes".
I attended the symposium online. The 10:30AM start time in DC translated into my 12:30AM in Seoul. But it was absolutely worth staying up for this.